

Letting Go: 4 Keys to Business Success

May 19, 20223 min read

In the business world, the term “giving up” is analogous to failure, but what if I told you, to succeed you need to give up?

The following four points might make you feel uncomfortable to implement, but when done correctly, they are sure to lead you to a more joyful life, and more successful business.

1. Give Up The Word “YES”

“...more yeses can start hurting you, NO keeps you focused.”

- Brendon Burchard, High-Performance Habits

Business is about growing, but saying yes to everyone, and everything will eventually burn you out.

Why does saying “No” catch your throat? Often, it’s due to the fear of hurting other’s feelings, the fear of abandonment, or the fear of someone else’s anger. What you need to do first is practice saying “No” with supportive friends, focus on your priorities, and soon you will be able to strategize your “Yeses” and “Noes”.

“No = Priorities”

2. Give Up Your Comfort Zone

You feel anxious, vulnerable, and/or helpless, so you start taking things slow, turn to YouTube videos, or scroll through your Facebook feed! Sound familiar? That’s called shadow comfort; the illusion of good feelings and enjoyment.

There is no growth in the comfort zone, therefore there is no growth in your business. Give up comfort and embrace discomfort!

“Discomfort = Growth”

3. Give Up Your Friends

“Do you want to sell sugar water for the rest of your life, or do you want to come with me and change the world?” Steve jobs said to Pepsi’s executive John Sculley to lure him to join Apple. Steve tried for 2 years to convince him about Apple’s vision, but Sculley refused until he gave him this ultimatum that changed his mind.

When Yahoo offered Zuckerberg a billion dollars to buy Facebook, he refused because he had a vision that Yahoo could never see. We all have people like this in our lives.

The ones who tell you “it will never work”, “this is the real world”, or “it’s a one in a million chance”? Well then, it’s time to give them the ultimatum.

“Vision = Ultimatum”

4. Give Up What You Think You Know About Money

Financial fears are rooted so deep, they can go as far back as to your early childhood. The good news is that it’s not necessarily the fear of money that haunts you. Are you sure money is the issue?

Maybe your not knowing where your money is going is the fear? You see a big pay day, and yet you realize within a few days it is all gone. Money is only a tool, if you don’t use it as a vehicle, it will always out muscle you. Your money is only a means to an end, not your ultimate goal. What we really want is the freedom that money can buy us. Make your business choices based on which path takes you closer to that ultimate goal.

To overcome the fear of money, look deeper into what terrifies you. Once you find that fear, tear it from its roots.

In your business, it is vital that you know the ins and outs of your firm’s funds. When was the last time you looked at your company’s financial statements? Better yet, when was the last time you looked at the financial statements and truly understood what you were looking at?

“Money =Tool”

If you make it a point to think about these four things every day, you will have a better life and better business. There is no doubt in my mind! In fact, write these down. Don’t type them; write them down with a pen or pencil. Put that piece of paper you just wrote on somewhere where you will see it every day as a reminder of what you need to do to grow as a person, and in turn grow your business.

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